Refund Policy

  1. No refund of the Admission Cum Scholarship Test Sarthi Educational Trust Fee shall be made under any circumstances whatsoever.
  2. Registration Fee Refund: No refund of Registration Fee shall be made under any circumstances whatsoever.
  3. Short Term Course Fee Refund: No fee refund of any type will be made under any circumstances after joining the Short Term Classroom Courses.
  4. Refund Before Start of Course: If any student pays the fee for any course other than Short Term Classroom Courses and wants to withdraw/ask for a refund before the commencement of classes/course in the institute, the Admission Fee, Technology Fee, Examination Fee and the first installment of Tuition Fee paid will be refunded along with PDCs submitted, if any. The registration fee will not be refunded.
  5. Refund After Start of Course:
    • Within 10 days: If any student of any course other than Short Term Classroom Courses, leaves the classes/institute within 10 days from the date of commencement of the classes/course in the institute due to whatsoever reason, the entire tuition fee, technology fee and examination fee paid will be refunded along with PDCs submitted if any. The Registration Fee and Admission Fee will not be refunded.

    • Within 20 days: If a student of any course other than Short Term Classroom Courses, leaves the classes/institute within 20 days from the date of commencement of the classes/course in the institute due to whatsoever reason, 75% of the Tuition Fee paid (in 1st installment) along with Examination and Technology Fee paid will be refunded along with PDCs submitted, if any. The Registration Fee and Admission Fee will not be refunded.
    • After 20 days: If any student leaves the classes/institute after 20 days from the date of commencement of the classes/course in the Institute due to whatsoever reason, then no refund of Registration Fee, Admission Fee, Technology Fee, Examination Fee and Tuition fee paid & encashed will be made under any circumstances. Only the PDCs (if any) which have not been encashed on the date of refund application shall be returned.
  6. All those students who get themselves enrolled for the two years classroom program (Medical & Engineering) before the declaration of the Class X Board Exam result will have to submit their application for refund of scholarships along with a photocopy of the Class X Board Exam mark-sheet latest by 13th of August 2018. Any student applying for the scholarship refund after 13th August 2018 will not be entitled to a refund under any circumstances.
  7. If any student drops in between the session and asks for a refund, he/she will be refunded as per the refund policy as stated above.
  8. If any student avails the benefit of additional scholarship against lump-sum payment and leaves the institute after few months because of any reason whatsoever and applies for a refund of tuition fee paid, he/she shall be refunded after calculating the amount used by him/her from the date of commencement of course to the date of submission of application on pro-rata basis.
    “Pro-rata calculation is done taking into account the number of days a student remained in the course i.e., from the date of starting of the batch to the date of submission of the application of refund”. The Scholarship achieved/secured by the student will not be considered while doing calculations on a pro-rata basis. The Course Tuition Fee mentioned in the course prospectus shall be taken into consideration for pro-rata calculation and NOT the course fee paid by the parent/student.
    For example, a course starts on 4th July and the student joins on 16th July. He/she continues to attend classes and the last lecture, which he/she attended, was on 14th November 2018. But if he/she has submitted a refund application on 13th December 2018, then the number of days to be counted for refund calculation will be from 4th July up till 13th December = 163 days. It is multiplied by the fee for one day, which is calculated by dividing course tuition fee without any scholarship by no. of days from the starting of course to the ending date of course as per prospectus of the center where admission was taken.

Refundable Security Deposit:
Each student will be charged a refundable security deposit at the time of admission for

This amount shall be refunded to the student within three months from the date of completion of their respective courses through cheque or directly into their account if the bank details are provided by the student/parents. We request for names to which refund will be made while filling the Admission Form.

In case, the Central Govt. levies any kind of indirect tax or increases the existing GST of 18%, then, the additional liability will be payable by the student/parent. In case of non-payment, the same shall be recovered from students via debit from their security deposit. Moreover, any fee due or pending payments or penalties due towards SARTHI EDUCATIONAL TRUST shall also be debited from the security deposit amount.

Note for Course Fee: No Cash will be accepted for Course Fee which includes Registration Fee, Admission Fee & Installments.

For Calculation of Refund:

  1. The date of commencement of the batch will be considered and not the date of joining of any student in the institute.
  2. Parents must insist on receipt of refund applications from the front office. The date of submission of refund application will be considered and not by the number of classes attended by the student nor from the date, the student stopped coming to the institute.
  3. The refund of tuition fee shall be calculated on the amount of fee installment mentioned in prospectus regardless of scholarship granted to any student / availed by any student.
  4. If any student from Foundation Courses (Class IX & X studying students) who has been given iTutor Video Lecture SD card, want to leave the course before December, an amount equivalent to `2500/- shall be deducted from his/her refund payout.

Transfer Policy for Medical, Engineering & Foundation Course Students